HSSV's Scribbles "My real name is Scribbles" |
My real name is Scribbles.
How Scribbles ended at the shelter I don't know or just don't care. I just treat her like my new bubble friend.
Life at the shelter is full of surprises everyday. Everyday dogs can meet new person, dog volunteer, potential daddy or mommy.
Scribbles is six-year-old Beagle-Bull. She knows how to find things on command, sit, down. Would love to come when you call her name. She would love to work for tiny pieces of yummy treats, chicken, jerky, cookie.
Sunday noon I dressed up in HSSV's volunteer shirt, slipped into my Converse shoes, grabbed bag full of yummies, jumped into my car and drove to my volunteering destination.
Dogs value the companionship of the others in their "pack" and are sometimes distressed if they are separated from it. Typical reactions when a dog is separated from the pack are barking, howling, digging, and chewing. These activities may distress humans when they need to leave dogs alone for a period of time. However, this behavior, called separation anxiety, can be overcome with training, or at least decreased to the point where it becomes manageable.
HSSV's Scribbles "Taste" |
I met Scribbles for the first time, so protocol is the same first we go for a relaxing walk, we just sniff watch, smell, lick, taste, and touch.
HSSV's Scribbles "Lick" |
Second we do some training like sit, find it, watch me, come...
HSSV's Scribbles "Treat for sit" |
We sniff a bunch, because it changes dogs brain, and makes a dog soooo tired and relaxed
HSSV's Scribbles "Smell" |
We listen, and it is amazing how sensitive could be a dog to sounds system offered by nature.
HSSV's Scribbles "Listen" |
Scribbles energy it makes me giggles.
HSSV's Scribbles "Scribbles and Giggles" |
HSSV's Scribbles "Beautiful in and out" |